Course node types

There are four course node types to choose from:

  • 360 Image
  • 360 Video
  • Scenario Question (SQ)
  • End
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The ‘Add node’ window with the four node types

These are the node types that can be added by the instructor to create a non-linear course. Every node (apart from the end node) represents a scene that can be seen in the app by the student. Such a scene consists of a 360 background (either image or video) and in case of a Scenario Question node also some answer images. So every node represents a scene and the node graph determines their order.

There is also a ‘Start’ node that always has to be present in every non-linear course which cannot be changed or deleted. Every node can be selected, re-positioned by click and dragging with the mouse and every node has at least one input or output connector, or, in some cases multiple output connectors.

Example node, in this case a new SQ node

Every node has its own node name at the top of the node. By default it states ‘Enter node name…’ and it can be left unedited like that, but, when a course becomes more complex with more and more nodes, this will become confusing so it is advisable to give names to the nodes to keep track of what’s what. The 360 Image, 360 Video and SQ nodes also share a ‘Change Environment’ parameter. After pressing that button, a 360º image as background environment can be selected. The 360 Image and SQ nodes also share a ‘Scene Elements’ parameter. The use of Scene Elements will be thoroughly explained in a later section of this tutorial. The ‘Edit scene’ button will open up the Scene View. The Scene View is a 3D representation of how the node will look inside the app in VR on the headset. More on this Scene View is also explained in a later section.

360 Image

Shows a 360 image projected as a 360º background environment. Note that 360 images have to be in a 2:1 dimension ratio (e.g. 4096x2048px) and in a equirectangular format in order to correctly work as 360º content. A technical explanation on that can be found here:

Example of the 360 image node

After clicking on ‘Edit Properties’ we can set some properties for this node. An auto proceed timer (in seconds) can be set as a stopwatch to automatically proceed to the next node after the specified seconds. If the auto proceed value stays ‘0’, there is no auto proceed so a manual trigger from the student is required (there will be a door button visible in the app to go to the next question).

360 Video

Shows a 360 video projected as a 360º environment. Note that 360 videos also have to be in a 2:1 dimension ratio (e.g. 4096x2048px) and in a equirectangular format in order to correctly work as 360º content. A technical explanation on that can be found here:

Example of the 360 video node

Scenario Question (SQ)

A Scenario Question node introduces real student interactivity in a non-linear course. A scenario question consists basically of one or multiple answer images floating in the scene on which a student can click. The more answer images that are added to a scenario question, the more output connectors and the more options to create different paths in the structure of the non-linear course.

Example Scenario Question Node

Under ‘Edit Properties’ a time limit can be set. This is a stopwatch that will run and gives the student a limited amount of seconds to select an answer. If the time limit stays ‘0’, the student will have unlimited time to select an answer.

The wrist image is a small image that is displayed above the virtual controller in the app. This wrist image can be helpful to provide additional information to explain what answer the student is expected to select. For example, a text with “where is the Eiffel tower?”, “point out the biggest safety risks” or “which tool is the correct one to use?”.

Properties of the SQ node with the time limit, wrist image and added answer images

A scenario question can have one or more answers (i.e. scenarios). These are basically ‘clickable’ images positioned and floating somewhere in the scene. These floating images can either be like buttons or present visual cues like attention points for students. An answer can be designed in many ways, as a photo, an outline, a graphic/illustration, a text or a combination of these options. Every answer will appear alphabetised as an output connector on the SQ node so answers can be connected to follow-up nodes. This way, answer A can take a different path than answer B and same for answer C, D, E, etc, if that is required. For example, a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer in a ‘should you stop for the car coming from the right?’ situation. If the student picks the correct answer here, the next question can be shown for example. But when the student picks the wrong answer here, first an explanatory 360 video to avoid accidents can be shown. So different answers can lead to different follow-up nodes. That’s the non-linearity a non-linear course.

The Default output connector determines what the next node is in case there was a time limit set and running and the student was out of time. Then the default path will be the next node in the course.

Here’s an example of the SQ node in action in the app.

Example of how the SQ node, we designed above, looks in the app

End (Node)

The end node determines that the course is finished. It is possible to add multiple End nodes if the course or it is also possible to connect multiple node output connectors to just one. Instructors sometimes forget to add them, so for correctness of the course execution in the app (and moreover knowing a student actually completed the course, as that flag is triggered by this end node), please add them.

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